Complex Simplicity

Complex Simplicity - 2002 $9.99 +S&H (out of print)

Complex Simplicity is the debut CD featuring the spokenword of godchild the omen and 13 of Nazareth. The entire project was a learning experience for the artists as they recorded the entire CD and did most of the production themselves in the seven days before the project was scheduled to be released. Both godchild and 13 have gone on to create projects of much better quality but Complex Simplicity will always be dear to them and apparently to the fans who are still requesting copies was originally released in 2002 on Oya Xclusive. Tracks on the project include: That's Me, Until Grace is Heard, Spider, the Posieden Principle, and 32 Degrees.

other products by 13 of Nazareth (Marquis Mix) available on
Fallout Shelter | The Eloh V EP | Lovelutionary

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